Wills & Probate
It is a good idea to make a Will. Although it is easy to make excuses not to do so, clients generally get some relief from the knowledge that they have made a Will.
Once we take instructions, discuss any questions you may have, a Will can generally be drafted and executed properly within an hour.
Don’t put it off, contact us today for an appointment.
Probate and Administration of estates
If you have been appointed an Executor in a Will or are the next of kin of a deceased person we can assist you in obtaining a Grant of Probate/Grant of letters of Administration.
If you instruct us to act on your behalf in the administration of an estate we can advise you of your obligations as an Executor/Administrator. Thereafter we can assist you with completing the Inland Revenue Affidavit, gathering and distributing the assets of the estate and also advise you how best to deal with any tax issues that arise.
Disputes & Contentious Estates
Our experience can be of particular assistance where a dispute over the estate of a deceased person arises. If you believe that you were unfairly denied an inheritance or an estate was incorrectly administered we can advise you as to whether you have cause of action against the estate or whether it makes financial sense to pursue a claim.